iOS Application Security Part 54 - The Needle Framework
In this article, we will talk about another framework for assessing iOS apps named Needle. Released by MWR labs and written by Marco Lancini, it provides a lot of modules that with help automate a lot of the tasks while doing iOS security assessments. Needle requires a jailbroken device and uses an agent installed on the jailbroken device that communicates with the host installed on the computer. At the time of writing of this article, Needle supports devices until iOS 10 only.
To install Needle, add the source in Cydia and then search for NeedleAgent and install it.
Open the NeedleAgent app and make sure it is listening.
On your computer, clone the latest version of Needle and install all the dependencies . A detailed installation guide can be found here.
Make sure the needle agent is running in foreground on the device. Run the show options command to see all the list of global options.
Make sure to set the correct PASSWORD option to let Needle connect to the device. Once you have configured these settings, run the shell command to get a shell on your device. Another important global option that you can set is the OUTPUT_FOLDER option. You can then use the exit command to exit out of the shell and back into the needle interpreter.
Running the command show modules will list all the modules that Needle supports.
You can use any module with the use modulename command, and the run command will execute the module for you. If you want to analyze any specific app, you can see the app bundle id as a global parameter. If this is not set, needle will display a prompt to let you choose whichever app id you want.
The following module will tell you the URL schemes the app registers to by copying the info.plist file.
And this one will give the MDM user settings for the device.
Running the info command after selecting a module will give you the details about that particular module.
Needle also has many different modules for working with Frida.
And in some cases the modules might also have certain options that need to be configured.
Here is the full list of modules. It is important to note that not all of these features work for iOS 10, and thus at the time of writing this article, needle doesn’t support iOS 10 completely.
[needle] > show modules _Templates ---------- _templates/template_background _templates/template_base _templates/template_frida _templates/template_frida_script _templates/template_static Binary ------ binary/info/checksums binary/info/compilation_checks binary/info/metadata binary/info/provisioning_profile binary/info/universal_links binary/installation/install binary/installation/pull_ipa binary/reversing/class_dump binary/reversing/class_dump_frida_enum-all-methods binary/reversing/class_dump_frida_enum-classes binary/reversing/class_dump_frida_find-class-enum-methods binary/reversing/shared_libraries binary/reversing/strings Comms ----- comms/certs/delete_ca comms/certs/export_ca comms/certs/import_ca comms/certs/install_ca_burp comms/certs/install_ca_mitm comms/certs/list_ca comms/certs/view_cert comms/proxy/pinning_bypass_frida comms/proxy/proxy_regular Device ------ device/agent_client device/clean_storage device/dependency_installer device/hosts device/list_apps Dynamic ------- dynamic/detection/jailbreak_detection dynamic/detection/script_jailbreak-detection-bypass dynamic/ipc/open_uri dynamic/memory/heap_dump dynamic/monitor/files dynamic/monitor/pasteboard dynamic/monitor/syslog dynamic/watch/syslog Hooking ------- hooking/cycript/cycript_shell hooking/cycript/cycript_touchid hooking/frida/frida_launcher hooking/frida/frida_shell hooking/frida/frida_trace hooking/frida/script_anti-hooking-check hooking/frida/script_dump-ui hooking/frida/script_hook-all-methods-of-class hooking/frida/script_hook-method-of-class hooking/frida/script_touch-id-bypass hooking/theos/list_tweaks hooking/theos/theos_tweak Mdm --- mdm/effective_user_settings Static ------ static/code_checks Storage ------- storage/backup/icloud_content_frida storage/caching/keyboard_autocomplete storage/caching/screenshot storage/data/container storage/data/files_binarycookies storage/data/files_cachedb storage/data/files_plist storage/data/files_sql storage/data/keychain_dump storage/data/keychain_dump_frida [needle] >